The more information you share with your healthcare provider, the better they can help you manage your IBS-D. Don’t be afraid to tell them about all of your symptoms—even the ones that may seem embarrassing.

Be clear when your symptoms started, their frequency and severity, anything that triggers them, and how they may have changed. And remember to ask about other treatment options you may not have tried. To help get the conversation started, try asking some of the questions below.

Know what questions to ask.
  • What might be causing my IBS-D symptoms?
  • What information would be helpful for you to know when I keep a journal about my symptoms?
  • Can changing my diet and exercising regularly help my symptoms?
  • What if lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications haven’t provided adequate relief?
  • What prescription medications are available for IBS-D?
  • How long do I have to take a prescription medication and when will it start to work?
  • Are there other options I should know about?
  • When should I schedule a follow-up appointment?